Boot Kubeless
Spring Boot project for Kubeless Custom Runtime
A simple Spring Boot Application to demonstrate how to build and run Custom Java Runtime on Kubeless for HTTP and Kafka Triggers.
It has two applications:
- boot-kubeless-http: A simple Spring Boot app for Kubeless HTTP trigger. It provides a GET and POST endpoint to add/list simple domain entity to demonstrate the use of various Spring projects.
- boot-kubeless-kafka: A simple Spring Boot app as Kafka Consumer for Kubeless Topic/Kafka trigger.
boot-kubeless uses a number of open source projects:
- Spring Boot - An opinionated framework for building production-ready Spring applications. It favors convention over configuration and is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
- Kubeless - The Kubernetes Native Serverless Framework.
- Spring Data JPA - Spring Data JPA, part of the larger Spring Data family, makes it easy to easily implement JPA based repositories.
- Spring Boot Actuator - Actuator endpoints allow you to monitor and interact with your application.
- Spring for Kafka - The Spring for Apache Kafka project applies core Spring concepts to the development of Kafka-based messaging solutions.
Installation and Configuration
$ git clone
$ cd boot-kubeless
Build and Run the applications:
Build and run the boot-kubeless-http application:
$ cd boot-kubeless-http
$ mvn clean package
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Build and run the boot-kubeless-kafka application:
Note: Download and Install Kafka. Set the Kafka Server Address and Topic name in application.yml
$ cd boot-kubeless-kafka
$ mvn clean package
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Run in Docker
Build and run the boot-kubeless-http locally in Docker:
Build the JAR file:
$ cd boot-kubeless-http
$ mvn clean package
Build docker image:
$ mvn docker:build
Run docker image:
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
$ rawsanj/boot-kubeless-http
Build and run the boot-kubeless-kafka locally in Docker:
Build the JAR file:
$ cd boot-kubeless-kafka
$ mvn clean package
Build docker image:
$ mvn docker:build
You would need to run Kafka in Docker. Try this Kafka docker image. Run docker image:
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 \
$ rawsanj/boot-kubeless-kafka --link <Kafka_Container>:alias
Deploy on Kubernetes as FaaS using kubeless cli
Setup and Install Kubeless.
Follow the Steps here.
Deploy the boot-kubeless-http as Kubeless Function with HTTP Trigger
Deploy the Spring Boot app boot-kubeless-http as a Function using docker image available in Docker Hub:
$ kubeless function deploy --runtime-image rawsanj/boot-kubeless-http --trigger-http boot-kubeless-http
Test the function:
Calls the GET method of Spring Boot App
$ kubeless function call boot-kubeless-http
Calls the POST method of Spring Boot App
$ kubeless function call boot-kubeless-http --data '{"language":"Go","rate":1}'
Deploy the boot-kubeless-kafka as Kubeless Function with Kafka/Topic Trigger
Before deploying the function, lets create kafka topic:
$ kubeless topic create boot-topic
Deploy the Spring Boot app boot-kubeless-kafka as a Function using docker image available in Docker Hub:
$ kubeless function deploy boot-kubeless-kafka --runtime-image rawsanj/boot-kubeless-kafka --trigger-topic boot-topic --env KUBELESS_KAFKA_SVC=kafka --env KUBELESS_KAFKA_NAMESPACE=kubeless
Note: If you have your own Kafka Cluster running on K8S, update the namespace and service name in the environment variables above.
Test the function:
Publish message onto the Kafka topic
$ kubeless topic publish --topic boot-topic --data "Hello From Kafka"
Ssh into boot-kubeless-kafka Pods to check the Messages getting consumed.
$ kubectl get pods | grep boot-kubeless-kafka // Note the Pod name.
$ kubectl logs boot-kubeless-kafka-68b.... // Above pod name.